In the present day scenario, retirement planning is something really vital for every person, be it in profession, service or business. The global change in economies and policies remain ever fluctuating and will continue to remain so in the future as well. Planning for the retirement financially helps in at least shielding that phase of life from such twists and turns. This is why many people visit to get some insight on the best plans and ideas for them. Here are some of the ideas that should always be kept in mind for retirement.

Time Horizon on Mind

Keeping in mind the present age, the retirement age mandates and the service structure will help in preparing foregrounds for financial planning for the retirement. The longer the period will be from the day the planning and execution starts, the better can be the results and higher risk portfolio can be attained. This concept is prevalent for insurance, securities, assets and several other investment tools that can be relied upon for such dependency periods. There can be volatility even with larger periods, yet it will be well mitigated if the odds not remain in favor.

Pre-recognizing the spending needs for the period

Another key idea to keep in mind is to have a realistic idea of what the spending could be during the post retirement period. Many people think it to be seventy to eighty percent of their current spending. However, this may not be the truth anyhow as there can be additional medical expenses in older ages, contingent liabilities and several other such things. Therefore, such risks must be taken into account.

Investment returns after tax

After the above two, having an eye on the required rate of investment return needed from the current portfolio should be checked. Ideally, the most practical rate is ten percent of it, however, there will be taxes that are subject to deduction and those should definitely be pre-considered to make sure there are no loops left.

By Claire David White

Claire White: Claire, a consumer psychologist, offers unique insights into consumer behavior and market research in her blog.