Claire David White

Claire David White
472 posts
Claire White: Claire, a consumer psychologist, offers unique insights into consumer behavior and market research in her blog.

An Overview of Asset Finance and Its Various Types

Asset finance allows companies to collect funds for the purchase of assets they might need to make their businesses run successfully. At times, paying a huge amount of cash at one time for buying assets can be really hard to...


Qualities of an Entrepreneur

Courage. An entrepreneur needs to have courage to withstand the ups and downs that come along with being an entrepreneur. Many times entrepreneurs might have to withstand financial difficulties such as debt or even bankruptcy. For instance, let's focus on...


Project Phases for Business Analysts

This article is focused on enabling better performance in business analysts and aspiring business analyst professionals. In this regard, I thought knowing the basics of project phases may be a useful read. Basically I'm hoping to touch upon the various...

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