Before meeting a car accident, you don’t anticipate that it would ever happen, but according to statistics, there is a likelihood of an accident that may take place at some point in your life. At times, you don’t feel the damage caused due to injury at the accident spot immediately; you may face ramifications later. In case of any such uneventful issues, you should call 911 to bring the police and medical help to the picture. Also, you need to contact a Tucson auto accident attorney for the best advice. In this blog, you will read about the common injuries that occur due to car accidents.


Bruising is very common after an accident that can stay as a mark on your body for a couple of days and then heal on its own.


Whiplash is an injury of the neck caused due to rapid movement of the neck. It happens in the case of rear car accidents. You will get better with medications and exercises; however, sometimes, you might have to face long-term complications. 

Neck and back injuries

Car accidents can lead to slipped or herniated disc, neck fracture, soft tissue injury of neck and back etc. If you ignore any neck or back injury, your entire lifestyle might be affected as you can’t do any strenuous activities. 


During a car accident, your head might hit against the steering or any other part of the car. In such cases, you might have difficulty memorising things before the accident or have a headache. You should not ignore any such symptoms and talk to the treating doctor about this. Only medical treatment can help you, so please don’t try self-treatment. 

Broken bones

Due to a car accident, your bones can break. You will be surprised to know that when your seat belt restricts your movement during an accident, your ribs can break. But it is worth mentioning that your seat belt will protect you from any fatal injury. It rarely becomes a complication, and you might need to rest for a month or two to heal.

Internal bleeding

It happens when your body organ gets hurt due to a massive accident. If you have bleeding from your nose, mouth or ear, make sure you inform your doctor about that. Moreover, it would be best if you do not take this lightly.


Accidents are events that happen suddenly, and you don’t get prepared for them. During such uneventful scenarios, don’t be overwhelmed and call your family or friends apart from the police, ambulance and lawyer. 

By Claire David White

Claire White: Claire, a consumer psychologist, offers unique insights into consumer behavior and market research in her blog.