There is a plethora of advantages of electroplating process for metallic substances. They become even more productive whenever electroless nickel plating is considered. It is the best plating process to exist. Moreover, there are various versions of it that exist to satisfy the needs of different conditions that pertain to metallic items and their production processes. This is where Electroless Nickel Finishing Company has an important role to play in the domain. Here are the different processes that exist in the arena of plating procedures.

Phosphorous based plating

There are many metals and objects that require an additional layer of protection that can only be provided using phosphorous for the given conditions of working. The process of electroless nickel plating using phosphorous can help in achieving such level of protection that is asked by those conditions. There are basically three levels of phosphorous nickel plating, high, mid and low with a varying concentration rate of phosphorous being ten to thirteen percent, five to nine percent and less than five percent concentration respectively. Higher concentrations are reserved for electronic items, mid ones are kept for direct metals like steel, and lower ones for general resistance on metallic objects.

Boron based plating

This coating option is well suited for the regions and metals that require less protection from corrosion. These boron baths create the best nickel coatings that are very useful for aeronautical, aerospace and automotive industries. While a low level of boron bath provides an enhanced solderability and conductivity without material damage, the higher concentrations deal with more strength and resistance to heat and other forces. It can have strength similar to that of chrome, thus, making it an economic replacement for the much expensive chrome plating process. But it does contain certain level of porosity to itself.


By Claire David White

Claire White: Claire, a consumer psychologist, offers unique insights into consumer behavior and market research in her blog.