A personal loan is one of the adaptable credit types because you can use the proceeds for any purpose except for anything speculative. So, no matter whether you are looking to repair your home or fund an urgent healthcare expense, a personal loan is the best choice to manage all such expenses with ease. However, before you hit on the personal loan apply button, you must ensure to determine how much funds you need and the feasible repayment tenure as per your cash inflow. Here’s where an online personal loan EMI calculator comes in handy. You can get accurate and precise data using the calculator in just seconds.
Discussed here are some of the advantages of using an online personal loan EMI calculator to compute your personal loan EMI –
Time-saving –
By using an online personal loan EMI calculator, you can save substantial time and effort. Your personal loan EMI is computed instantly and precisely once youprovide the required loan proceeds, offered personal loan interest rates and preferred loan repayment tenure on the calculator. You can also experiment with multiple figures to decide on the appropriate loan deal based on your repayment potential.
Smart planning –
With a personal loan calculator, you can determine how much income you can use for paying your personal loan EMI. Doing so also allows you to eliminate unnecessary expenses in a month so that you can save to pay for your personal loan EMIs while still meeting your other crucial financial obligations. So, the calculator allows you to borrow the amount you are confident of repaying without exhausting your savings. Also, note that timely EMI repayments have a positive effect on your credit profile and score.
Accurate outcomes –
If you manually compute personal loan EMIs, there’s always a probability of making an error, which can potentially bring about havoc on your budget. Accuracy in results is a significant benefit derived through an online EMI calculator.
Flexibility –
Flexibility is an important benefit of an online personal loan EMI calculator. With the online calculator, you have the freedom to conduct distinct combinations of loan proceeds, rate of interest and repayment tenure in just seconds to make an informed decision. You can also review your personal loan EMIs for distinct lenders quickly using the calculator as it computes the figures instantly in just a matter of few seconds. So, with the assistance of this calculator, you get the flexibility to determine the apt loan figures as per your budget.
Lower the involved risk –
With the personal loan EMI calculator, you can avoid undesirable financial discrepancies or mistakes. For example, if you compute your personal loan EMI manually, then the effect of compound interest may be missed or there’s a high scope of computing an incorrect figure. Using an online calculator, however, takes into account the compound interest, so that the outcomes are accurate. This makes it simpler for you to plan out your budget and avoid any unnecessary surprises owing to unplanned expenses in the future.
Now as you know how an online personal loan EMI calculator can benefit you in your repayment process, ensure to use it before applying for a personal loan. The repayment tenure on a personal loan usually ranges from one to five years for loan proceeds of between Rs 50,000 and Rs 40 lakh.