A rubber dock protector is used on a large scale in the loading and unloading areas of companies specializing in logistics processes. Therefore, it is essential that the material used in the rubber dock protector be manufactured in a personalized way according to the needs of each company.

To achieve maximum efficiency in the use of rubber dock protectors, different methods are used. First, it is necessary to measure the place where the rubber dock protector will be installed to obtain the correct measurements of the protector’s manufacture, facilitating its installation and eliminating the chances of unprotected areas along the docks.

After measuring the docks, the thickness of the rubber dock protector is chosen to be compatible with the size of the vehicles that will carry out the movement on site. This choice allows damage to be avoided – even on large vehicles – thanks to the foam size variation. Thus, it is possible to avoid damage to both vehicles that may collide with the protector and to the structures of the docks.

Finally, the installation of the rubber dock protector can be done quickly, as long as it is done by trained professionals, which prevents any failure from occurring during installation – such as points where the thickness is different from the ideal or material waste – and provide the ultimate in dock protection.

Main Applications Of Rubber Protector For Parking

The rubber parking protector can be used for different situations. This is because there are different types and models of protectors capable of being applied in all parking spaces.

It is possible to apply rubber protectors on beams, columns, and garage exit, on the front walls of spaces, on the corners of columns, and in front of parking spaces to limit car access, among other places.

Rubber Parking Protector Features

In addition to being extremely versatile, rubber parking lot protectors have several features that make them one of the most popular products on the market. One of them is its installation, which occurs in an easy and efficient way.

Other essential characteristics of the rubber parking protector are the fact that the product is developed in EVA (ethyl vinyl acetate) and is manufactured in different densities, which provides greater cushioning in the impact of the car when parking.

Rubber protectors have a great service life and can be manufactured in different sizes according to customer and project needs. It is worth noting that some of these characteristics may vary depending on the rubber parking protector chosen model. You can learn more about speed bumps like speed bumps Nashville for example here.

By Claire David White

Claire White: Claire, a consumer psychologist, offers unique insights into consumer behavior and market research in her blog.