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How to master SEO without racking your brains out

SEO is hard to master. SEO is very complex and requires training to get good at it. SEO is one of the most complicated types of digital marketing. You need skills and wits to master SEO. You might have heard these sentences from many people. You may also think that all these things said about SEO are true. Well, the good news is – they are not. SEO is not as hard as people try to make it. You can learn SEO easily.

What is SEO and why it is important

SEO is short for search engine optimization. SEO is important because it helps you generate organic or free traffic. It has long-lasting results. Once you reach on the first page of a search engine, you may remain there for months or even years.

How can one master SEO easily

One cannot simply master each and every aspect of SEO in-depth overnight. But one can learn the fundamentals that are required to understand what SEO is and how it works. Of course hiring professional seo services[jasa seo professional, which is the term in Indonesian] is also an option. But if you are planning to do it yourself then you must understand these fundamentals.

Fundamentals of SEO

Search engine rankings of Google are affected by three most important factors.

  1. Backlinks
  2. Content
  3. Rank Brain

If you are doing them right, you can rank yourself easily.

You do not have to understand their definitions. These 3 factors are interconnected to each other. And you can do all three of them right, if you do one thing right. You need to create high quality content.

High quality content would make people spend more time on your webpage; hence Rank Brain will approve your site for rank boost. High quality informative content also get dozens of backlinks because they provide information.

In short and simple terms, just create high quality content and you are good to go.

Claire David White
Claire White: Claire, a consumer psychologist, offers unique insights into consumer behavior and market research in her blog.