Retirement is that aspect of life in which prior decisions make a huge difference. Have a pre-planned retirement makes you stable even after your retirement. You don’t have the need to depend on anyone about your income and expense. All you have to do is make a proper retirement plan. For this, you can take help from professionals or simply login to . There are several mentioned below things that are needed to be considered for it:

Understand the need of time

You must know that there is a huge difference in the time horizon of making the retirement plan and your retirement. The longer will be the time gap the more you will have the risk of withstanding the plan. So it is better to have an estimate of expected changes in future so that you can have safe retirement planning. Also make sure that your portfolio is not that old and you must not have a 30 plus year gap between the times.

Estate planning

Estate planning is also an important aspect that should be kept in mind while planning for retirement.  This simple means that you must consult with different professionals such as accountants and lawyers.  There are several things that must be included in the estate planning. Life insurance and tax planning are two important aspects of estate planning. If these are executed well then it is likely to have a perfect retirement plan.

Retirement needs

Retirement plans also depend on your post-retirement needs. It is true that at the time when you will be retired the things will get changed but you can make an estimate beforehand and start making the plan accordingly. Post-retirement needs may include health care facilities, trips, fooding, etc. On an average a person expends 70% of the income post-retirement in comparison to the current expenditure.






By Claire David White

Claire White: Claire, a consumer psychologist, offers unique insights into consumer behavior and market research in her blog.