The foreign exchange currency market makes over five trillion dollars on an average daily trading volume basis, beating any other global markets today. The market is open for all types of currencies around the world with the clause that the trade is made in pairs of currencies. All the world’s stock markets in total don’t come close to revenue generated by forex. Transactions in forex are all about exchange. A traveler has already done forex trading on terms that he exchanges one time of currency for others. The rates in foreign exchange change dynamically with supply and demand. Both upstream and downstream trading is possible which makes forex stand out from the rest of the trading platforms. It isn’t hard to find a buyer or seller of currencies since the market is vast.

Forex trade management and major currencies involved

There all sorts of curries that can be used to invest in forex. With over eighty pairs to choose from, it is important to be selective and aware of the ever-changing plots.

The most traded pair of currencies are termed as majors and they encompass about eighty-five per cent of the total foreign exchange market. The major pair is:

  1. EUR/USD
  2. GBP/USD
  3. USD/CHF
  4. USD/CAD
  5. USD/JPY
  6. AUD/USD
  7. NZD/USD

Currency pairs excluding us dollars are known as cross currency pairs.

  1. GBP/JPY
  2. JPY/CAD

The currency pairs made from one major currency and one growing economy are known as exotic currency pair. such as:

  1. USD/ZAR


Percentage in point or commonly known as PIP is the movement a fourth decimal digit unit in a rate. There many exceptions to pips such as the Japanese yen where the movement is in the second decimal digit.

The best platform for a forex trader to understand the dynamics of forex trading

If you are just starting in the world of forex trading[เทรด forex, which is the term in Thai] you must receive the right guidance. Now a lot of places offer that, however, most of are half interested in the benefit of the client and just concerned about making big money by luring in a lot of clients. Bus forex is one such website that is a suitable Forex trading system for all tiers of forex traders and it is trustworthy.

By Claire David White

Claire White: Claire, a consumer psychologist, offers unique insights into consumer behavior and market research in her blog.