Winter is getting closer and you may have already spent more than an afternoon planning your next trip. We are sure that you have chosen the best offers possible. Are you sure, you do not forget anything? You may not have considered the importance of having a credit card on your trip, so we are going to talk to you about the advantages that having the best credit cards for rewards can offer you.

Advantages of traveling with a credit card

Credit cards are an essential element in your wallet, but they take on a special importance when you decide to pack your suitcase and go around the world. We list a few advantages that you could take advantage of traveling with a credit card.

It is the most practical

Credit cards are synonymous with comfort and security since carrying that “plastic money” reduces the risk of losing liquid cash. Besides, in the case of losing the credit card you can block it so that you can keep your money safe in the account. In this way, it is easier to assume the impact that this trip will have on your bank account.

Speed and security is guaranteed

Payment is faster since you do not need to wait for change or possible setbacks. Paying with cash has the possibility that the change you receive contains a false bill, so paying with a card significantly reduces the chances of losing that money.

Forecast and globalization

Many countries only accept credit cards for foreign visitors. It never hurts to have some cash but the peace of mind that comes with having a credit card for rewards that does not limit your expenses and gives you the option of having the money you want in the currency you need is a real success.

Discounts and convenience when paying

Thanks to credit cards, you can benefit from certain discounts on some websites, portals or companies that reward you with a bonus. Clearly, this extra comfort is a very important point when evaluating the credit card as an option to have on your trip. Since the cards have credit lines in which the refund is made in installments, you can spend the amount you want and pay it in the installments that you choose.

Why a travel credit card for rewards?

A travel rewards credit card brings you closer to your next trip every time you use it. With each purchase, you earn points that you can redeem for travel expenses. Because of this, these cards are very suitable for frequent travelers. If you are a person with a restless spirit or you travel a lot for business, this option will be of great use to you. However, so that you can choose the card that suits you best, we suggest you to compare each feature and carefully select the service provider. In this way, you will better know their details, how they work. You will be able to make the best decision.

Many cards offer benefits even before you accumulating points. It is true that most benefits are related to travel, but depending on the card brand, other benefits may be included. Some examples are residential assistance, subscription to streaming music services, extended original warranty, price protection for products purchased with the card, and even emergency care for your pet. These cards generally have no annual fee, offer better payment options and exclusive discounts.


If these advantages over using a credit card for rewards on your trips have convinced you, do not hesitate any longer. It is important to know what use you intend to make of the card, whether it is just for high value purchases, everyday purchases or just situations where you do not have cash. Regardless of the answer, credit card is always a great form of payment.

By Claire David White

Claire White: Claire, a consumer psychologist, offers unique insights into consumer behavior and market research in her blog.